We recently finished our first 6 week body transformation challenge for 2022!
Congratulations to the winner Mike Buckland! Over the 6 weeks he put in the work and saw an incredible drop in % body fat and overall weight. A total of 9kg weight dropped and down to 9% body fat!
There were some real outstanding results by the Pack who were strong contenders, but the overall % of body weight reduction from the Mike earned him the W!!
WINNER - Mike Buckland
Here are some great before/after shots from some of our challengers!
At all 6 week challenges every entrant receives:
A Nutrition Plan
Access to all the classes at Wolves Den.
Support from the whole team/coaches to get the most out of the 6 weeks.
Start & Finish Weigh ins / Body Composition
Watch this space as our next challenge will be coming soon!