With the Christmas and New Year break over you may be thinking 2021 is the year to focus on your health and commit to a regular workout routine. However, motivation levels can vary during the year and maintaining consistency can be rather challenging, especially after the initial New Year Resolution hype has worn off.

Don't worry, you are in good company!
Here are top 6 motivation tips the Wolves Den athletes to keep active and inspired for the various mixed martial arts classes throughout the year.
Set goals This is one of the biggest driver for our athletes. Setting clear goals is the primary way to keep laser focused on sticking to a training routine. However many fall into a trap of setting a goal that is too generic e.g. “I want to lose 15kgs this year.” which can quickly lose steam. The key is to make sure you create a pathway of achieving your goal that challenges your body & mind with new information. e.g. Picking up a new class you've been wanting to try to make your sessions interesting and engaging. You can also mix it up by setting class specific goals e.g. Getting the extra stripe on your belt, mastering a specific combination, entering a competition etc; which will inadvertently help contribute to your main goal. Another important point is to make yourself accountable. Once you've decided on a goal let your coach or training partner know so they can check in on your progress and encourage you on the journey!

Schedule a regular workout time Finding the time to workout is one of the biggest challenges faced by everyone. Everyone is busy, we get it! Setting a regular schedule ahead of time is paramount in making sure you can get into a consistent pattern of training. Once you're in a good groove the wheels are in motion and regular training sessions will become second nature! There's also a reason why many of our members like to workout early in the morning, not many are likely to schedule a meeting at 6am (or hit traffic!). It's a time where you can focus and give yourself a great mood booster for the day by doing something that contributes to your goal. If your morning is too busy then alternatives for lunchtime or evening classes are available. Our weekly timetable offers plenty of variety and flexibility for your week.
Keep it simple Over complicating or over thinking is a sure way to lose interest quickly. This tip is particularly handy for people wanting to try something new. For example, if you are wanting to start a new class (e.g. BJJ), don't worry about getting the latest and greatest gear, apparel or online instructional. Just grab the essentials, get yourself to a class and enjoy the process! For consistency it’s important to develop your intrinsic motivation than worrying about the external stuff. This intrinsic motivation will naturally start to develop as you learn new skills, get challenged and reap the mental and physical rewards of regular activity.
Surround yourself with active people This one is really easy to do if you're at the Den! We're a friendly bunch and it's a place filled with inspiring stories and active people. Get to know the people at your regular classes. You'll be able to make some awesome connections, find your tribe and have a heap of fun! Having similar people around you will help build win-win friendships and adds to that extra push of motivation.
Use social media for accountability Many athletes, casual and elite, like to use social media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook to share their workouts or provide proof of progression towards their training goals. Posting your workouts/progress helps you stay accountable to a larger group of people which can be a great motivator to stay on track. It’s also another way to immerse yourself in the local Perth Fitness/MMA community. At Wolves Den we love seeing the positive effect of social media when our members share their progress and results in boosted confidence with a big dose of encouragement from their friends and others in their circles. The pack mentality is what we're all about, we love to stay connected on the social channels with all our members and follow along with their training journeys.
You WILL feel like not working out, and that's OK! Even the most motivated athletes will have days when they don’t want to get into the gym. We're only human! On these days, don't judge yourself too harshly for the dipping motivation, fluctuation is completely normal. Some days you may need to listen to your body that needs some recovery. But if you know it's a lack of mental motivation putting the above tips in action will find yourself being able to overcome these mental slumps much easier and back on track!
If you need help with setting or achieving your goals for this year we are here to help! Please come see us at the front desk or approach any of our coaches at Wolves Den and they'll be able to guide you in the right direction.
We have a bull pen of experts from all walks of life that can help ensure you are moving closer to your goal every session!
When we achieve, we achieve together! #weareallone
