Last night I walked 4 fighters down to the cage to face very tough opponents and the team came away with 2 wins and 2 losses
All the guys trained hard, put in the time and sacrifice to be in the best condition possible preparing for these bouts and I can’t be more proud of how they came together as a team and the improvements that I witnessed over the last couple of months.
^Massive congrats to Kevin and Cam of Wolves Den for winning their bouts!
The Highs and Lows of the fight game are extreme at both ends and it does take a special kind of individual to take this tough path but only athletes who have stepped into a fight arena will know the feeling of putting it all on the line and testing yourself knowing the possible outcomes.
I know from my own experience that you can do everything right and feel 100% prepared but sometimes on that particular night you don’t get the result you worked for and this is what makes fighting such a challenging thing to experience as it tests every aspect of yourself.
If you're on this fight journey for long enough most will have to deal with a loss and it’s how you deal with this setback that defines you. To take each win and each loss with a learning mindset is the only way to look at each fight.
As martial artists and fighters our main goal is to become the best version of ourselves in training and competition, and if we take something away from each fight to implement and improve then we are one step closer to the goal
A Massive Thanks to the amazing support we had last night from the wolves den team who came down to cheer on the fighters, I absolutely love our community at the Den and couldn’t ask for a better gym family! #WEAREALLONE
