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Celebrities that train Brazilian Jiu Jitsu - Do you know them all?

Writer's picture: WolvesDenPerthWolvesDenPerth

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is a rapidly growing global sport, and one that is proving to be gaining popularity amongst Hollywood A listers. BJJ is a fun, challenging and practical martial art with a whole list of side benefits for your physical and mental health. We take a look at celebrities that have recently caught the BJJ bug, and what they have to say about their BJJ journeys.

Keanu Reeves

The actor Keanu Reeves has a passion for ensuring the fights in his films are realistic and authentic. He started practicing BJJ with Rigan Machado in preparation for John Wick 2. Reeves would spend 5 hours a day training martial arts and shooting for the role and has since developed a real interest in BJJ due to the inner peace that comes with training.

“As you get deeper and deeper into training, you get less of a normal life, that’s what I enjoy, the focus of it. My friends ask, where did I go and I say I’m in a training paradigm.”

Demi Lovato

One of the most vocal celebrity advocates for BJJ is singer and actress Demi Lovato. Starting with MMA, she began training BJJ in 2016 and quickly fell in love with it. Lovato regularly posts about her training on social media and the benefits its had in her life.

“I started training MMA, and a part of MMA is Jiu-Jitsu, so when I started learning I just fell in love with the sport … Being able to do the moves that you do and flow with people, it’s an art form and it’s really beautiful, and it takes my mind off of things that I stress about, [because] I’m constantly thinking: ‘What do I need to defend? What move can I make now?’ It’s like a game of chess.”

Lovato, like many others, battles with stress/depression and has had bouts of substance abuse, but Demi, now a blue belt, always credits BJJ as something that helps her to live a better life.

Jonah Hill

Jonah Hill, who came to prominence in the mid 2000’s after starring and appearing in a number of successful comedy films such as Superbad and Knocked Up, started training BJJ at the end of 2018.

He shared a post about his progress early in 2019 when he received the first stripe on his white belt, describing his experiences with BJJ as humbling and about the merit of jumping in and trying new things as you get older.

“BJJ has helped get over the stuff that made him feel weak and insecure as a teenager. To let go and to do the things I’d never thought I’d be able to do”

Jonah is now a blue belt and trains at the Clockwork BJJ academy in New York up to 5 times a week.

Kelly Slater

Kelly slater is a well known multiple time world champion surfer. A blue belt in jiu-jitsu, Slater often trains at the Art of Jiu-Jitsu Academy with the Mendes brothers, and has claimed to have trained with a "who's who" of jiu-jitsu, including Mario Sperry, Rickson Gracie, Vitor Belfort, Ricardo Arona, and Marcus "Buchecha" Almeida .

"There's something about jiu-jitsu that puts you in your place. Even if you're the top guy, you still have to teach others of all levels"
"If you have insecurities, they get worked out on the mat. I just think it's a humbling thing. People think of martial arts, they think that'll make you a badass and you'll kick somebody's butt, but to me it's the opposite. If it's treated right and taught correctly, it's the opposite -- it gives people confidence, and I think with that confidence comes less ego and more respect for other people.”

Russel Brand

A successful comedian and actor Russell Brand has trained in the art of BJJ for a number of years now, earning his blue belt at RGA Bucks Academy in the UK under Roger Gracie. Like many celebs, Brand has been an advocate of jiu-jitsu describing it as ‘a spiritual pursuit that teaches him about community, humility, and compassion’. Elaborating on the Joe Rogan Podcast, Brand discussed his experience with BJJ in detail.

“I, like you, believe in the possibility of change… What happened to me really is I hit 40 and realised I needed to find a personal version of spirituality. And that’s what I’ve found. William Blake the great English poet says each artist must find his own religion. We have to find out own way, what works for you is not gonna be the same as what works for me ”
“There are ways where we are collective, but there are ways where we are individuals. So I gotta educate myself. I’m gonna have to do things that mean something to me. Part of that for me is, in my own small fragile brittle way, is doing Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. I’ve never done stuff like that before. Live in your body, be in there and go “
“For a combat sport, there is something unifying about the clear hierarchical structure of a Jiu Jitsu class that brings people together in a safe way. We all recognise that we all have different attributes and deficiencies when we walk through that door… we are all here for different reasons but we are all the same once the class begins. There’s no descrimination, and there is a general acceptance that here we are together for a common purpose”


It's no surprise to the Wolves Den team to see so many celebrities not only taking interest but enjoying the life changing impact of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Although we live completely different lives BJJ is a language anyone can learn to speak with our bodies. If these celebrity testimonies have left you feeling inspired to jump on the mat, start your BJJ journey today at Wolves Den Perth with a FREE trial class. Come and Join The Pack!

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